Orders may be canceled at any time due to stock issues, suspicion of fraudulent activity or other reason deemed necessary. We reserve the right to correct pricing/shipping errors.
PRIVACY: We don't like it at all when companies share/sell/rent our or others personal information to other parties... that's why we don't do it. When you sign up for our free newsletter, rest assured we securely keep your email address for use in sending newsletters which may contain things like special offers, new product arrivals, contests and the like. You can unsubscribe at any time by clicking the link at bottom or contacting us.
When ordering, we use SSL technology which allows for secure encryption of sensitive information such as credit card info and passwords. We don't see your credit card numbers, nor is your online payment wallet account such as Pay Pal accessible by us. Your shipping address/billing information is securely and thoughtfully stored and used for order processing etc. and when registering an account, provides for easy re-ordering.
Tracking/cookies are used on our site by Google Analytics which shows us visitor traffic, interests/behavior which assists in optimizing the shopping experience on SpawtyShop.com.
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MISC: Site content including, but not limited to, our images, product designs and other informational content is copyrighted material and shall not be reproduced in any manner without the express written consent of SpawtyShop (a Nose For The Net brand). All industry/professional sports leagues & colleges' logos and their trademarks, are and remain their property. In using this website you release and hold harmless SpawtyShop and Nose For The Net from all liability, injuries, losses, damages to persons and properties, resulting in whole or in part, directly or indirectly from use of the site.